13-October-2020 Tuesday
When we take the problem seriously (we measure the power of diarrhea)
12-October-2020 Monday
Answers to typical questions for a ballerina 2
22-August-2020 Saturday
02-August-2020 Sunday
Airborne Forces Day. In the Moscow Gorky Park, beloved by paratroopers, the atmosphere is now somewhat tense
21-March-2020 Saturday
Let's put off training until better times...
13-March-2020 Friday
The escape
07-March-2020 Saturday
I refute false news about Kemer and Turkey
05-February-2020 Wednesday
Continuation of the post “Extortion of personal data from Mail.Ru.Group”
05-February-2020 Wednesday
Tomato virus has reached Khabarovsk
14-January-2020 Tuesday
"Galactic Peacekeepers" - rebranding, arcade hyper, multiple galaxies and much more
06-January-2020 Monday
Turkey and Greece covered in snow
25-December-2019 Wednesday
In the Krasnodar region, a child was taken from his father to be imprisoned in a rehabilitation center. Because the boy did not agree to live with his mother
20-December-2019 Friday
New subscription feed - build a “Hot” for yourself
18-December-2019 Wednesday
Diabetic “Lie down and die without insulin”
14-November-2019 Thursday
Yalta, 20 days until winter.
11-November-2019 Monday
Commissioner Raivel: Heart of Darkness. Issue #47 (by Gray-Skull)
29-October-2019 Tuesday
Life hack on how to cash out money from a card with only a phone in hand
24-October-2019 Thursday
Kamchatstat: the average salary in Petropavlovsk exceeded 90 thousand rubles per month - you live well there... Crabs every day?
06-October-2019 Sunday
Petersburg to Antalya.
14-September-2019 Saturday
Old school brought together - heard a billion times but saw for the first time - ERA "AMENO"