XeniaPic comments

19-May-2024 Sunday
There is strength - no need for intelligence!?

01-February-2024 Thursday
If naked depraved girls get 5000 pluses, let's see how many rescue girls get!

14-December-2023 Thursday
“Come on, Kostya, hit him!”

26-August-2023 Saturday
Novorossiysk, come look through the telescope)))

05-October-2022 Wednesday
Reply to the post "Already old school brought down"

05-October-2022 Wednesday
Reply to the post "Already old school brought down"

03-March-2022 Thursday
IKEA suspends work in Russia and Belarus

18-December-2021 Saturday
Guy plays his piano one last time before a typhoon flood destroys him

17-November-2021 Wednesday
Well shtosh

14-March-2021 Sunday
What can we do to avoid working and improve statistics... Let's get into someone else's profile on State Services, and then delete it!
