XOTTAbI4 comments, page 7

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31-August-2020 Monday
Incomparable service in Yekaterinburg

28-August-2020 Friday
Efremov continues to “mow”: a new suspect has appeared in the case - Sergei Garmash

07-August-2020 Friday
A math teacher tries on a mask that a student made for him.

12-March-2020 Thursday
Tom Hanks contracted coronavirus

06-February-2020 Thursday
Do you want to ruin your child's psyche? Buy an alarm clock bed!

03-February-2020 Monday
About God and his inclusion in the constitution

21-January-2020 Tuesday

21-January-2020 Tuesday
"Illegal" ways to connect Lego parts

21-January-2020 Tuesday
Brad Pitt made friendly jokes about Margot Robbie and Quentin Tarantino

20-January-2020 Monday
Reddit users shared the creepiest cases of "matrix glitch" and unexplained incidents in their lives

20-January-2020 Monday
A unique episode from the Turkish football dungeon

20-January-2020 Monday
What can you find in American stores?

05-January-2020 Sunday
The first ever watch-phone Samsung SPH-WP10, 1999

03-January-2020 Friday
I guess I'll stay at home today...

31-December-2019 Tuesday
Great reaction

26-December-2019 Thursday
The most necessary device

25-December-2019 Wednesday
"Irony of Fate" 2019

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