WyrazZz comments, page 33

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17-October-2017 Tuesday
For those who want to work at Yandex. Taxi or how they threw me.

22-September-2017 Friday
Divorce again. Yes, how much can you?

19-September-2017 Tuesday
We place bets

15-September-2017 Friday
The parrot is also sitting on Peekaboo (watch from 4:50)

15-September-2017 Friday
Happy Friday)

07-August-2017 Monday
Advantageous offer for employees of mobile operators

19-July-2017 Wednesday
The most selfish passengers on the plane.

11-July-2017 Tuesday
black grouse hunting

01-June-2017 Thursday
The German migration service will help the student in difficult times

16-May-2017 Tuesday
Silushka Pikabu, give me the strength to correct the mistake!

27-April-2017 Thursday
You owe me money!

10-April-2017 Monday

20-March-2017 Monday
Taxi with big discount

01-February-2017 Wednesday
When I got my hectare

12-January-2017 Thursday
The love story of a bash programmer

09-January-2017 Monday
There will be no gingerbread without a whip.

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