worst comments
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“If you are a war criminal, then you will rot in prison” - about Savchenko. Interesting opinion post.
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“If you are a war criminal, then you will rot in prison” - about Savchenko. Interesting opinion post.
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“If you are a war criminal, then you will rot in prison” - about Savchenko. Interesting opinion post.
“If you are a war criminal, then you will rot in prison” - about Savchenko. Interesting opinion post.
Democracy standards: Tyagnibok's ally was poured with shit from a bottle at a meeting of the commission of the Kyiv City Council
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How Ukrainians appeared.
Democracy standards: Tyagnibok's ally was poured with shit from a bottle at a meeting of the commission of the Kyiv City Council
Democracy standards: Tyagnibok's ally was poured with shit from a bottle at a meeting of the commission of the Kyiv City Council
Democracy standards: Tyagnibok's ally was poured with shit from a bottle at a meeting of the commission of the Kyiv City Council
Democracy standards: Tyagnibok's ally was poured with shit from a bottle at a meeting of the commission of the Kyiv City Council
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Democracy standards: Tyagnibok's ally was poured with shit from a bottle at a meeting of the commission of the Kyiv City Council
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Velopiar for plankton
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Daub time
Dnepropetrovsk cemetery of military equipment
Found in the vastness