WhiteWolfCR posts

28-April-2018 Saturday
So how is it true?

17-November-2017 Friday
Infernal mail against the Russian Orthodox Church.

22-August-2017 Tuesday
Another dissatisfaction with the post moderators.

22-August-2017 Tuesday
In connection with the current events, one quote comes to mind.

11-August-2017 Friday
I came across this masterpiece of local journalism in the mail.

10-August-2017 Thursday
Another meme based on "I, robot"

29-July-2017 Saturday

04-July-2017 Tuesday

23-June-2017 Friday
Advertising is the engine of laziness.

22-June-2017 Thursday
Learn the bestiary!

20-April-2017 Thursday

19-April-2017 Wednesday
I was flipping through the VK feed and came across such a funny coincidence.

14-March-2017 Tuesday
Some kind of blatant theft.

08-March-2017 Wednesday
Was walking out of the store and came across this. Once again with the Eighth of March dear ladies! All the best!

07-March-2017 Tuesday
03/06/17, someone still has a New Year.

06-March-2017 Monday
Do your teeth react to heat?

04-February-2016 Thursday
Laptop for games.
