WhiteNiga02 comments, page 2

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16-June-2014 Monday
When you realize that the next episode of Game of Thrones is coming out in a year...

03-June-2014 Tuesday
I drew a cupcake for pikabushniks

31-May-2014 Saturday
Getting to know Kazakhstan!

20-May-2014 Tuesday
Beautiful arts

16-May-2014 Friday
Steampunk airship model.

06-May-2014 Tuesday
Pyramid "Pikabu"

04-May-2014 Sunday
Video from the Crimea! Occupied Crimea!

28-April-2014 Monday
Sweet about messy

24-April-2014 Thursday
It turns out that playing with a shuttlecock is much more dangerous than I thought ..

23-April-2014 Wednesday
Ambitious Pervak

23-April-2014 Wednesday
Installed windows in...

21-April-2014 Monday
Oh, these comments from VK.

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