WhiteBox posts, page 4

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04-July-2022 Monday
It is not clear what Barsik does not like - the circle is in the trends Banstagram

29-June-2022 Wednesday
Whoever ate popcorn faster is the first to start eating it from their neighbors in the seat

24-June-2022 Friday
When you want to turn onto the right road, but not everyone shares your decision

22-June-2022 Wednesday
An hourly diet is when every hour a slice of pizza

21-June-2022 Tuesday
Dance as if no one sees you - at the same time you will wash the floors

20-June-2022 Monday
The ability to screw up as soon as someone turned away is an art

07-June-2022 Tuesday
Kebabs can be creative too

02-June-2022 Thursday
One cannot but agree with Barsik - in the mornings it really is so ...

01-June-2022 Wednesday
Everyone gets ready for summer in their own way.

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