Whiskarik comments, page 17

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07-February-2014 Friday

07-February-2014 Friday

06-February-2014 Thursday
Justice in Russian.

06-February-2014 Thursday
Evgeny [BadComedian] Bazhenov on Peekaboo on Tuesday evening

05-February-2014 Wednesday
I believed you!

05-February-2014 Wednesday
And the guy is long gone.

05-February-2014 Wednesday
Little Belarus:Z

05-February-2014 Wednesday
Hey DJ come on come on :) DJ Tenashar - these are disc jockeys in Singapore

05-February-2014 Wednesday
I don't know what to write here

04-February-2014 Tuesday

04-February-2014 Tuesday
Announcement of new star guests :)

03-February-2014 Monday
Floyd Mayweather bet $10.4 million on the team that lost the American Super Bowl yesterday.

03-February-2014 Monday

03-February-2014 Monday
Miracles of disguise

03-February-2014 Monday
Heart attack for any fisherman

01-February-2014 Saturday
Russian Foreign Ministry: Russia may withdraw from the Treaty on Strategic Offensive Arms

31-January-2014 Friday
I had a dream

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