Welkrip comments

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04-May-2018 Friday
Perfect PR move or food for thought.

29-April-2018 Sunday
A gift from neighbors, or greetings from builders

28-April-2018 Saturday
So many questions and so few answers ...

13-April-2018 Friday
polar station. Prehistory and reopening. (Part I)

01-April-2018 Sunday
Hacked accounts, all at once, thanks pikabu?!)

31-March-2018 Saturday
Unreal Grafonius on the cover of gaming magazines

07-March-2018 Wednesday
Statistics of candy colors in 8 packs of skittles

01-March-2018 Thursday
T-shirt from the GDR

24-February-2018 Saturday
Crap with a heater on a VAZ 2110

16-February-2018 Friday
Evernews : In Metro Exodus there is a cannon with a screw from a meat grinder and a sight made from a Soviet coin

15-February-2018 Thursday
New VAZ-2103 for 2,500,000 rubles.

15-February-2018 Thursday
Sheriff confirms 17 deaths in American school shooting

10-February-2018 Saturday
The story of how the authorities "strangled" the whole village.

02-February-2018 Friday
An unknown ball with Russian letters fell from the sky in Peru

31-January-2018 Wednesday
My native country is wide, There are many forests, fields and rivers in it!

31-January-2018 Wednesday
Man Tricks Tesla Autopilot With Orange!

17-January-2018 Wednesday
cheered up

15-January-2018 Monday
And the Petrosyans have already arrived at the latest news

19-May-2015 Tuesday
Night ...

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