Warraght comments, page 11

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27-February-2019 Wednesday
Great idea, but dangerous.

27-February-2019 Wednesday
An instructive story about everyday nationalism in relation to Russians in Uzbekistan

27-February-2019 Wednesday
Hotel Waterfall Simulator

27-February-2019 Wednesday
Relationships as they are

27-February-2019 Wednesday
Pavlik's mom syndrome

26-February-2019 Tuesday
Wife found grandma's stash.

26-February-2019 Tuesday
Auto-lawyer's notes - VII. Parking fine.

26-February-2019 Tuesday
Why do I need 42 megapixels? Take a selfie!

25-February-2019 Monday
When I went to the old forum.

24-February-2019 Sunday
California to pay $21 million to man who served 39 years for murder he didn't commit

21-February-2019 Thursday
Forbes announced the appearance in Russia of the second female billionaire - this is the owner of the Wildberries online store

20-February-2019 Wednesday
P-39 Airacobra. Own among strangers.

18-February-2019 Monday
evil wires

18-February-2019 Monday
How I worked at the post office

18-February-2019 Monday
I forgave him, begged him not to plant him, and lived with him for almost a year and a half

18-February-2019 Monday
The arrogance of some people just has no limits.

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