Wanderer71 posts

28-September-2016 Wednesday
Lead evening

26-April-2016 Tuesday
In response to the Volgograd 5 kopecks, here are ours, Nizhny Novgorod!

15-February-2016 Monday
F6F-3 Hellcat and aircraft carrier Lexington

08-January-2016 Friday
This is how my cat looks at guests)

31-August-2015 Monday
Draw in paint on inf. screen

03-July-2015 Friday

30-June-2015 Tuesday

22-June-2015 Monday
And why not ... yes!

23-May-2015 Saturday
When everything is decay, and even the leaves...

10-March-2015 Tuesday
Everyone loves the sunset...

28-February-2015 Saturday
Star. N. Novgorod

18-February-2015 Wednesday
A field of roofs, and antennas grow on it.

26-January-2015 Monday
Pyatigorsk. Mashuk. Signposts.

25-January-2015 Sunday
ER9 Always liked the design of these "steam locomotives"!

24-January-2015 Saturday
Dust, water and sun

23-January-2015 Friday
Two wheels or eight?

19-January-2015 Monday
Traffic. Street photo.

18-January-2015 Sunday
Difficult choice to give or leave.

17-January-2015 Saturday
Bench for...

17-January-2015 Saturday
Dream to fly, short cartoon

03-January-2015 Saturday
Raise, please, just a little! Apartment, Peter.
