WRPoLi comments

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19-November-2015 Thursday
Nostalgia for gamers or how we got out when there was no Internet

09-November-2015 Monday
Bullet and shrapnel

18-October-2015 Sunday
Just a Niva, an ordinary Muggle Niva...

06-October-2015 Tuesday
Lucky moment

16-September-2015 Wednesday
A friend bought a Toyota Tundra. Boasts armrest capacity...

15-September-2015 Tuesday
Karma ^^

14-August-2015 Friday
photo from social networks

14-August-2015 Friday
Flesh-eating bacteria

13-August-2015 Thursday
Not at a loss

11-August-2015 Tuesday
Full immersion

06-August-2015 Thursday
At the International 2015, of all the CIS teams, only one made it to the top 8: Virtus Pro.

05-August-2015 Wednesday
Resentment post

10-July-2015 Friday
No one in my life has ever loved me as much as he did.

07-July-2015 Tuesday
Platzkart is not always bad =)

06-July-2015 Monday
Quests in reality: what is it?

06-July-2015 Monday
I have surgery tomorrow

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