Vyanes comments

[14] [2] [1]

21-February-2022 Monday
Director of the SVR Sergei Naryshkin made a reservation and supported the "entry of the LPR and the DPR into Russia"

20-February-2022 Sunday
He'll get you out of the grave as well.

17-February-2022 Thursday
Finally, common sense prevailed - The sentence of the driver who hit a pedestrian running at a red light was canceled

14-February-2022 Monday
While Some follow Klinsky, Others are already running for vodka

12-February-2022 Saturday
Why not

11-February-2022 Friday
Response to the post "The Governor of the Kaluga Region today PERSONALLY began the fight against migrants who have fake certificates of knowledge of the Russian language!"

10-February-2022 Thursday
How to die happy?

10-February-2022 Thursday
Funny if it wasn't sad

10-February-2022 Thursday
What is an e-book and how is it different from a printed one?

10-February-2022 Thursday
Yandex gave way to a motorist

09-February-2022 Wednesday
Response to the post "Batin Soup"

09-February-2022 Wednesday
Response to the post "The State Duma proposed to ban migrant children from studying in Russian schools"

[14] [2] [1]
