worst comments
Last shift before vacation
Dragging under the keel is a terrible punishment for a delinquent sailor or pirate.
A story about Japanese delicacy
Riot, damn!
A story about Japanese delicacy
fool around.
Another blogger or Darwin award
Modern pedigreed dogs cannot work on the battlefields
Photographer stories.
Photographer stories.
Competition "Whose husband is worse"
How much does a "decent old age" cost?
Photographer stories.
A story about Japanese delicacy
Despite the almost free wedding, the bride wants to sell alcohol to guests
Last shift before vacation
I take everything with me.
Modern pedigreed dogs cannot work on the battlefields
Modern pedigreed dogs cannot work on the battlefields
Somehow I imagined Kurchatov and Beria in a different way
Reply to the shellers
Photographer stories.
Kursk steam locomotive continued
Somehow I imagined Kurchatov and Beria in a different way
All special forces special forces!
Anti.Salfetka's response to "Two animators went missing under mysterious circumstances near Krasnodar"
Anti.Salfetka's response to "Two animators went missing under mysterious circumstances near Krasnodar"
Modern pedigreed dogs cannot work on the battlefields
Escape poverty: Buryat teachers leave for Mongolia for high salaries and respect
How much does a "decent old age" cost?
In the classroom, a soldier dropped a combat grenade into a trench. rescued by an officer
Help me find the book please
Modern technologies
Modern technologies
When you are brave but stupid
Reply to the post "About military pensioners"