Vlazzz posts

17-December-2023 Sunday
Reply to the post “The Boy’s Word, or How We Transported Criminals on a Plane”

16-April-2023 Sunday
Reply to the post “Does anyone remember Roman Trachtenberg?”

07-November-2021 Sunday
ShaftOsniper's response in "I won't be at ease again"

09-October-2021 Saturday
But I had problems with the Armenians

26-April-2021 Monday
Reply to the post “Employment Service - 2”

17-July-2018 Tuesday
Anna-news from the inside

08-October-2017 Sunday
What is wrong with my life?

06-October-2017 Friday
Lightning doesn't strike twice in the same place, they said...

02-September-2017 Saturday
Cycle of evacuation

20-June-2017 Tuesday
Warranty Issues

02-June-2017 Friday
At the request of commenters

30-May-2017 Tuesday

30-May-2017 Tuesday
I have a subscriber!

29-May-2017 Monday
Thunderstorm 05/29/17

17-April-2017 Monday
Forest park Kuskovo 16.04.17

24-August-2016 Wednesday
How they changed my keyboard on my laptop
