Vlados32 comments

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26-April-2024 Friday
What to read from boyar anime? Part 2 Atypical boyarka

08-April-2024 Monday

09-November-2023 Thursday
Reply to the post “System of female education”

21-October-2023 Saturday
People, why are you using your anuses for other purposes?

15-October-2023 Sunday
Question about audio books

12-October-2023 Thursday
Do you also start turning the wheel on your mouse faster when you see another photo of the cat family?

11-October-2023 Wednesday

08-October-2023 Sunday
Delicious, quick recipe for rice with egg and tuna

07-October-2023 Saturday
Against the backdrop of your own Israel, you can now easily imagine how ours is treated in the world as a whole

23-September-2023 Saturday
Briefly about the “correct” answers

22-June-2023 Thursday
On the wave of posts

04-June-2023 Sunday
Laphroaig RH. Armchair study on syrup. Reflections

04-May-2023 Thursday
Sci-Fi Western - Why Trigan: The Hurricane Deserves Viewers' Attention

26-April-2023 Wednesday
Help me find a book

05-May-2021 Wednesday
When I didn’t draw anything for 10 years and then it hit me...

24-February-2021 Wednesday
Help me find an audiobook

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