15-November-2015 Sunday
There will be no cartoons, but who would doubt

25-March-2015 Wednesday
Ukraine is one step away from default

17-March-2015 Tuesday
The ruble got rid of oil

05-March-2015 Thursday
Oil wins back

04-March-2015 Wednesday
White House urges Snowden to face U.S. court

20-February-2015 Friday
gas help

18-February-2015 Wednesday
Raw material appendage forever

17-February-2015 Tuesday
The fall of the Ukrainian economy accelerated three times

15-February-2015 Sunday
Fitch likes to do it or something

14-February-2015 Saturday
Barrel overstepped $60

11-February-2015 Wednesday
Russia and China offered financial assistance to the Greek government

10-February-2015 Tuesday
On the situation around Ukraine and Russia

09-February-2015 Monday
EU lost 21 billion euros due to sanctions against Russia

08-February-2015 Sunday
Militias announced a change in the tactics of the Ukrainian military

07-February-2015 Saturday
And this happened when Greece went for rapprochement with Russia! Coincidence? I don't think

06-February-2015 Friday
Brotherly people!

05-February-2015 Thursday
And they didn't screw up?

04-February-2015 Wednesday
I thought I couldn't wait!
