Virusnyaga comments, page 25

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20-January-2023 Friday
That's how real heroes work...

19-January-2023 Thursday
This is how the Russian shooter Atomic Heart will describe the abilities of the character

18-January-2023 Wednesday
I was collecting scrap metal near an abandoned camp of political prisoners and suddenly found small pieces of silver

15-January-2023 Sunday
Strange behavior on Avito

14-January-2023 Saturday
Problem with ssd. Need help. Ay nid e help)

05-January-2023 Thursday
NVIDIA GeForce GTX 1060 3GB Stuck at 139MHZ

25-December-2022 Sunday
Repair of "rubber" coating of household appliances and electronics

22-December-2022 Thursday
24 Trading Cards (72 rubles) on Steam

21-December-2022 Wednesday
Help, please, with the definition of the radio component

20-December-2022 Tuesday
Please help with computer freezes

06-December-2022 Tuesday
Where did the posts from the mobilized go?

29-November-2022 Tuesday
This is where I failed...

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