Vip7Kot posts

25-July-2013 Thursday
Problems with TP.

18-June-2013 Tuesday
A little about chocolate

12-June-2013 Wednesday
Boiled, another post about the GIA.

30-May-2013 Thursday
Received a US visa for 3 years!!!

26-May-2013 Sunday
In light of recent events

11-May-2013 Saturday
The crown of my creativity

07-May-2013 Tuesday
Hello peekaboo.

19-April-2013 Friday
Trial GIA on Matra.

22-February-2013 Friday
Feast of the Defenders of the Fatherland

14-February-2013 Thursday
I wait!

18-January-2013 Friday
We had a great chat.

09-January-2013 Wednesday
My godbrother is a racist.
