VioletBlack posts, page 2

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02-November-2014 Sunday
Question such.

02-November-2014 Sunday
Citizens of the DNR/LNR...

25-October-2014 Saturday

22-October-2014 Wednesday
If there are psychologists, psychotherapists and

20-October-2014 Monday
Trivial question.

14-October-2014 Tuesday
Stop talking about ukrov

11-October-2014 Saturday
Is it possible to?

27-September-2014 Saturday
This is an old question, but important to me:

01-September-2014 Monday
I offer to local residents who have

31-August-2014 Sunday
A hypothetical question from the realm of fantasy.

31-August-2014 Sunday
The Ukraine tag has been added, because everyone is following it.

29-August-2014 Friday
Citizen i617,

29-August-2014 Friday
Ukrainian citizens,

28-August-2014 Thursday
New York Times.

25-August-2014 Monday
Militia comrades.

25-August-2014 Monday
There is one big plus.

24-August-2014 Sunday

22-August-2014 Friday
The economy of Novorossia in the future?

21-August-2014 Thursday
I skimmed through the White Book.

18-August-2014 Monday
Polish apple.

17-August-2014 Sunday
For edification.

15-August-2014 Friday
We have a dilemma.

14-August-2014 Thursday
What if

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