worst comments
Be healthy!
Comment pleases)
I went with a girlfriend once to Sberbank)
Teachers love to joke too
Attempt at writing.
Men in Black.
When your grandfather is an experienced electrician
Life should be easier (part 4)
Completely random photo
How a classmate stuck a pair of scissors in me.
Oscar boycott due to lack of black nominees
My story is about easy money.
I'll just leave it here
How sometimes sports change people
Warning! Equipment stolen!
My art(21)
Social media users accused the airline of discrimination for the creation of "Quiet Zones"
Teachers love to joke too
Went fishing yesterday
Divorce is a serious matter
Guitar model "I'm an engineer with my mother."
I'm looking for a game about the battle of people and robots
I'm looking for a game about the battle of people and robots
I'm looking for a game about the battle of people and robots
In the cities of Russia there will be a religious procession to stop abortion.
Athletic physique
Actors who are rarely seen young.
I think this is the best Alucard cosplay
Due to recent events
The Defenders to be screened in US and UK
The evolution of Twitch
Oh those believers
Baby pranks
"Modern" grandfather
In the wake of the snapchat filter