Viasa posts, page 2

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25-August-2015 Tuesday

22-July-2015 Wednesday
MARA or a question for those who are afraid to die

06-July-2015 Monday
Let everyone envy me!!

01-July-2015 Wednesday
healthy again

18-May-2015 Monday
just a suggestion for the peekaboo device

12-April-2015 Sunday
Thank you PIKABU !!!

24-January-2015 Saturday
VK fell and...

14-January-2015 Wednesday

29-December-2014 Monday
Lived up, this is old age.

27-December-2014 Saturday
10 to the hundredth power

27-December-2014 Saturday
fellow soldiers (can't think of an ending)

30-November-2014 Sunday
E. Ryazanov composed poems for songs in his films (to many) ... who did not know, one of ..

13-November-2014 Thursday
The mystery of B. Berezovsky's death is revealed!!!

13-October-2014 Monday
Ukraine hasn't frozen yet?..

01-October-2014 Wednesday
our Kuzya caught a bird for the first time

18-August-2014 Monday
rennie - converts acid into water

11-August-2014 Monday
ask questions.....

08-August-2014 Friday
The formula of love (an old, old story) I don’t remember the author, I can’t vouch for the accuracy

07-August-2014 Thursday
I give away the idea, as unnecessary

07-August-2014 Thursday
Moscow news, these benches (on color) were made in Germany

07-August-2014 Thursday
offer...we need to know the whole truth

30-July-2014 Wednesday
the most difficult tongue twister, no one can repeat by ear

29-July-2014 Tuesday
I have an idea!!

29-July-2014 Tuesday
not pretentious pluses for the sake of, but good interest for ...

28-July-2014 Monday
so nice to take a walk in the evening when the heat subsided ...

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