Vesselsu comments, page 4

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09-February-2015 Monday
From Russia with love

29-January-2015 Thursday
Appeal of Ukrainian students

25-January-2015 Sunday
Poroshenko announced the detention of a fire spotter in Mariupol

13-January-2015 Tuesday
Who said the sidewalk is safer than the road?

09-December-2014 Tuesday

07-December-2014 Sunday
Help a newbie

07-December-2014 Sunday
2 truths of the same state

16-July-2014 Wednesday
How do I meet girls

12-July-2014 Saturday
Russian villains in American culture

12-July-2014 Saturday
Stephen King

11-July-2014 Friday
How to tame Satan

08-July-2014 Tuesday
A marijuana university opens in the USA Now I know where to go to study)

05-July-2014 Saturday
Victory recipe

27-June-2014 Friday
A bit of tediousness and algebra.

24-June-2014 Tuesday
Kittens are in good hands.

22-June-2014 Sunday

22-June-2014 Sunday
***In this text, if someone did not understand, the meaning of the word "rat" is a dishonest person***

22-June-2014 Sunday
Double Trouble

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