VerhniySAM comments, page 2

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12-June-2019 Wednesday

12-June-2019 Wednesday
Salesman level god - II

31-May-2019 Friday
I will be near

21-May-2019 Tuesday
The main thing is to remain human at work.

20-May-2019 Monday
About the Pythagorean theorem

16-May-2019 Thursday
About the differences between boys and girls

14-May-2019 Tuesday
When your woman is a monster

13-May-2019 Monday
The life of a cook: our successes.

12-May-2019 Sunday
pikabu search: relevance (why not search by titles)

12-May-2019 Sunday
To the store as a quiz

29-April-2019 Monday
What will happen if humanity blows up all the uranium available on Earth?

28-April-2019 Sunday
How many?

28-April-2019 Sunday
"Voice.Children" - become an extra at a holiday for the children of the rich!

18-April-2019 Thursday
And good day to you.

15-April-2019 Monday
"Well, why not go there?" Answer from Soyuzmultfilm

02-April-2019 Tuesday
An anecdote on the topic of tolerance that bored everyone

27-March-2019 Wednesday
One of the duties of a projectionist

25-March-2019 Monday
Good evening! Please help me find the movie, it's been haunting me for the third day)

25-March-2019 Monday
Child's blood sugar

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