VerhniySAM comments, page 5

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31-August-2019 Saturday
It was about the bus.

28-August-2019 Wednesday
Dementia and .... dementia ...

28-August-2019 Wednesday
This is my carp..

23-August-2019 Friday
Real story

20-August-2019 Tuesday
I want to know everything #400.

14-August-2019 Wednesday
The answer to the question of many girls - why are all men goats

12-August-2019 Monday
Stanislav Drobyshevsky - Why is the theory of evolution a theory and not a hypothesis?

09-August-2019 Friday
How to wash your hair properly?

09-August-2019 Friday
If after the latest Chrome update your sites started to glitch...

04-August-2019 Sunday
How I did the drawing

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