VechniyManager comments, page 4

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14-April-2018 Saturday
Doctor, something hurts me

06-April-2018 Friday
First trailer for HBO's Fahrenheit 451 adaptation

24-March-2018 Saturday
Slavic dancer of death

17-March-2018 Saturday
Help me remember the game

13-December-2017 Wednesday
About the "betrayal" of Olympic athletes from Russia

13-December-2017 Wednesday
How graduations are held in Tajikistan

08-November-2017 Wednesday
(The man was found! Thank you all!) Help me find out if my mother got on the train. Does not get in touch, the railway station does not give out information!

23-October-2017 Monday
Pink glasses

22-August-2017 Tuesday
Yours among strangers - without a number. About Surgut.

22-August-2017 Tuesday
The names of the twins

21-August-2017 Monday
An Englishman in the Islamic Quarter...

15-August-2017 Tuesday
Why Muslims don't eat pork.

10-July-2017 Monday
One's own among strangers - 15.

20-June-2017 Tuesday
four legged man

18-May-2017 Thursday
Feykodel Rezun - the honor of the Chechen nation?)

16-May-2017 Tuesday
One's own among strangers - 14.

18-April-2017 Tuesday
Life hack from religious fanatics

18-April-2017 Tuesday
Multinational country.

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