Vangerltd posts

09-May-2022 Monday
The answer to the post “Why don’t they supply these things to Ukraine?”

20-January-2020 Monday
For the first time in Israel, surgery was performed to remove a brain tumor using a laser.

07-July-2019 Sunday
A year after the wedding, I ran over a screaming mother-in-law with a motor scooter

28-May-2019 Tuesday
The zombie apocalypse we deserve

27-May-2019 Monday
And the warmth in the soul after watching 2

10-December-2018 Monday
Rabbi detained for driving at a speed of 244 km / h on highway 90

30-December-2017 Saturday
In the animal world

22-August-2017 Tuesday
Based on the last srach

05-June-2017 Monday
Triggered in 3.. 2.. 1..

10-December-2015 Thursday
In case of important negotiations in the comments

02-April-2015 Thursday
I was digging on Aliexpress and suddenly saw THIS.

17-March-2015 Tuesday
Ukraine got talent 7 started, but I thought that Ukraine was all

14-January-2015 Wednesday
From the thread about the ambulance

29-July-2014 Tuesday
"K" is the key

06-March-2014 Thursday
Microsoft forecast

03-February-2014 Monday
A true photographer is always happy to receive constructive criticism.

04-August-2013 Sunday
Fisheye Placebo 2
