Valltron comments

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25-November-2016 Friday
It is important to properly raise children

22-November-2016 Tuesday
And they will issue you as Evanov Evan Evanovitch

21-November-2016 Monday
Kickboxer girl or how friendship ends

21-November-2016 Monday
How do I go on a date

03-November-2016 Thursday
Half a year later, I found time to finish the drawing.

21-October-2016 Friday
The scammers have gone crazy

04-February-2016 Thursday
Al Pacino was mistaken for a city madman.

29-January-2016 Friday
February 14 is just around the corner

29-January-2016 Friday
Dying aircraft near Vyborg

22-January-2016 Friday
You will be able to draw... someday.

17-January-2016 Sunday
Illumination, dammit...

17-January-2016 Sunday

17-January-2016 Sunday
You will be able to draw... someday.

17-December-2015 Thursday
The Return of Thomas the Tank Engine

02-December-2015 Wednesday
How to return money for a bad product from Aliexpress

02-December-2015 Wednesday
small loans to friends

02-December-2015 Wednesday
Do not be like everyone else.

02-December-2015 Wednesday
Wow, how it is!

01-December-2015 Tuesday
It seemed

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