ValetDamaPik comments

[39] [2] [1]

30-July-2018 Monday
Notes from a Bad Tutor #5. We all say so

26-July-2018 Thursday
Figure skating

25-July-2018 Wednesday
I am for feminism!

25-July-2018 Wednesday
About gray salaries

25-July-2018 Wednesday
Comic #338

24-July-2018 Tuesday
Chistomen of Arkhangelsk Major of the Ministry of Emergency Situations Chistyakov

24-July-2018 Tuesday
Video games or girl?

23-July-2018 Monday
Run if you value your life

20-July-2018 Friday
There is nothing worse than workaholism

17-July-2018 Tuesday

16-July-2018 Monday
How did they fix my mom's computer? Peter.

15-July-2018 Sunday
There is no limit to insolence

12-July-2018 Thursday
ROC refuses to accept things for the needy

11-July-2018 Wednesday
6 consequences of raising the retirement age that are not talked about

[39] [2] [1]
