Vaini posts

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27-June-2012 Wednesday
Knowledgeable people (post for minuses inside, for those who wanted funny jokes)

27-June-2012 Wednesday
Today marks the 72nd anniversary of the birth of Boris Alekseevich Khmelnitsky.

27-June-2012 Wednesday
About Fedot

27-June-2012 Wednesday
A moment of patriotism on peekaboo.

27-June-2012 Wednesday
Sauron Cake

26-June-2012 Tuesday
About Kolya (bash) ...

25-June-2012 Monday

25-June-2012 Monday
I love peekaboo...

25-June-2012 Monday
Wild accordion and not true at all ...

22-June-2012 Friday

21-June-2012 Thursday
Female, male and personality (repost from

21-June-2012 Thursday
The man who took the photo we all know

18-June-2012 Monday
How terrible are you

13-June-2012 Wednesday
Do not be shy

11-June-2012 Monday
Suddenly... (I know it's a button accordion, but really)

11-June-2012 Monday
have fallen

11-June-2012 Monday
Half Life (from bash)

10-June-2012 Sunday
After the fight (pulled from the bash).

10-June-2012 Sunday
Guess who it's about?

10-June-2012 Sunday

10-June-2012 Sunday
Candies "Radiy"...

09-June-2012 Saturday
Summer pie (with honeysuckle).

09-June-2012 Saturday
Russian intelligentsia...

09-June-2012 Saturday
A minute of black humor on peekaboo.

08-June-2012 Friday
Shower gel

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