VS4DNIK comments

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30-November-2017 Thursday
BANK OF MOSCOW: If you want to steal 1.5 million, ask me how?

27-November-2017 Monday
Russians want their children taught traffic rules and the basics of military training, not religion

26-November-2017 Sunday
The police brutally torture the Russians, trying not to leave traces

25-November-2017 Saturday
At the Kremlin, the son of a businessman drove around the traffic jam on the sidewalk - video

25-November-2017 Saturday
Aliens are near

15-November-2017 Wednesday
"For the murder of a dog in Germany they give three years, but here for the murder of a child" ("drunk" boy - how did it end)

15-November-2017 Wednesday
Presidential elections in 2018 may not take place... (Zimbabwe's military removed the retired dictator)

28-October-2017 Saturday
Lawlessness in Moscow got even the official representative of the Russian Foreign Ministry

28-October-2017 Saturday
Russian found on a desert island in Europe

27-October-2017 Friday
Three years received by a policeman who detained a gang of loaders-thieves in Vnukovo

27-October-2017 Friday
These people annoy everyone

27-October-2017 Friday
About the wisdom tooth

27-October-2017 Friday
Pikabu power, bus driver and LDPR deputy.

26-October-2017 Thursday
How to get tired at five

26-October-2017 Thursday
Success story or typical consequences of "black" racism

26-October-2017 Thursday
How many people's lives are "stealed" by a corrupt official

25-October-2017 Wednesday
Police forcefully seize phone with evidence in fatal accident involving drunk inspector

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