best comments
Eco-activist in the office
True connoisseur
About parking on the sidewalk, torn poles and disabled people
4A Games on Metro Exodus: if all PC players boycott Metro, then the next Metro, if it comes out, will definitely not be on PC
DIY PC desk or New computer desk
Try it, get it
Brutal beating of a schoolboy Moscow, Chertanovo
The future is already here
They offered a "job".
Coming-out "Russian distribution" AstraLinux
Before smartphones
Children ruin the elevator
The newest way to scam on Avito!!!
#20: Morning in the work chat (on the evil of the day)
Problems when connecting a printer via USB Switch
Help me find two movies from my childhood!
FAS canceled the auction of the Ministry of Internal Affairs for the supply of computers worth more than one billion rubles
Give the fool a quad bike...