VIP1 comments, page 18

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17-February-2022 Thursday
Response to the post "The State Duma announced the readiness of Russians to give up the 13th salary for the sake of Donbass"

16-February-2022 Wednesday
The next stage of pupation?

15-February-2022 Tuesday
The State Duma announced the readiness of Russians to give up the 13th salary for the sake of Donbass

14-February-2022 Monday
An alternative point of view on Fox News about why the United States is escalating the situation over Russia's attack on Ukraine

13-February-2022 Sunday
On the official Amazon YouTube channel, where the premiere of the trailer of the Lord of the Rings series is to take place, comments were blocked in advance

13-February-2022 Sunday
It seems that it was not possible to persuade Russia to attack on February 16 again.

12-February-2022 Saturday
Response to the post "When Peekaboo understands your real possibilities"

08-February-2022 Tuesday
Don't Revy

08-February-2022 Tuesday
FSB Director believes that it is necessary to increase the responsibility of schools for anti-terrorist activities

08-February-2022 Tuesday
Negotiations between Macron and Putin gave birth to many usable memes

08-February-2022 Tuesday
The law on life imprisonment of pedophiles in Russia began to operate

07-February-2022 Monday
The panorama again does not keep up with reality...

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