best comments
Reply to the post "Me, him and his mother"
Why do grandmothers stink more often
Response to the post "Generous Mother-in-Law"
This is what - on the mint to sleep??
This is what - on the mint to sleep??
Reply to "Yes"
Reply to the post "Squeeze, fu be like that"
Volga station in the Yaroslavl region
Response to the post "Generous Mother-in-Law"
I wouldn't wish such a mother-in-law on my enemy
Irezer's answer to "Unbanal advice for new parents"
Teacher, resentment and condoms
Embroidery or how grandmother corrected her eyesight
Saloman88's response to "Fuck#eating Bombilla"
Little friend trials
The negative influence of a girlfriend on his wife
Well, was it possible?
This is what - on the mint to sleep??
Ball gown
Reply to the post "I'm in bed. Injury, care is required, an elderly mother, a nurse can help. The girl went on vacation to Thailand with her friend, is that normal?”
Husband played, but family is more important
Response to the post "Generous Mother-in-Law"
It's all gone...
But when they bought it
It's a pity to waste time sleeping
Reply to "Children"
This is different!
Husband played, but family is more important
Reply to "Yes"
About washing bed linen then and now
General's wife
Soviet Orthodox funeral
Reply to "I quit"
Sucker Punch
Continuation of the post "Yura-janitor"
Reply to the post "I'm in bed. Injury, care is required, an elderly mother, a nurse can help. The girl went on vacation to Thailand with her friend, is that normal?”
Reply to the post "Zadolbalo"
How I Bribed a Therapist
Reply to the post "Me, him and his mother"
Irezer's answer to "Unbanal advice for new parents"
In one of these cats you will definitely recognize your
Irezer's answer to "Unbanal advice for new parents"
scary situation
The negative influence of a girlfriend on his wife
Camp for adults!!!
Sucker Punch
She has an apartment and a car. That's why she doesn't want to get married. And why?
Embroidery or how grandmother corrected her eyesight
Reply to the post "I'm in bed. Injury, care is required, an elderly mother, a nurse can help. The girl went on vacation to Thailand with her friend, is that normal?”
And you try
Why do grandmothers stink more often
Give word to foster brother
I don't understand either
The answer to the post “Parents, explain to children that it is dangerous to do this!”
Reply to "Hard"
Reply to the post "Christmas Princess Dress"
But when they bought it
Reply to the post "Me, him and his mother"
Embroidery or how grandmother corrected her eyesight
This strange fashion
Unlic's Response in "It's an Eternal Misunderstanding Between Women and Men"
Replays: my favorite
Help me decide!
Reply to "Children"
Husband played, but family is more important
Reply to the post "Another school absurdity"
Belogorsky Monastery, Perm Territory
Embroidery or how grandmother corrected her eyesight
Post observation
Yes, with age it pulls to the ground
It's all gone...
Stupid gifts
When employees do not have enough documentation
She has an apartment and a car. That's why she doesn't want to get married. And why?
Reply to the post "Forehead"
Well what to do with her
Well, was it possible?
Vegan Life Is Hard
Vegan Life Is Hard
Response to the post "Did not show a rare breed of cat - not a pickabushnik :)"
Plunge into the distance after 35
What childhood secrets have you unraveled as adults?
Three pregnant Russian women stuck at the airport of Argentina due to denied entry
The negative influence of a girlfriend on his wife
Reply to the post "I didn't want to die young"
sdsshishmencev's answer to "Hondon Man ..."
The King and the Jester - Sorcerer's Doll (Symphonic cover)
The King and the Jester - Sorcerer's Doll (Symphonic cover)
Babi soul cry
Irezer's answer to "Unbanal advice for new parents"
Let's go imitators!
Reply to "Help Needed!"
Thanks to all who responded. No good news, but all is not lost
Reply to the post "I'll see, I'll pizhzhzhu ..."
Continuation of the post "Girls and boys are not friends ..."
First work
Reply to the post “It’s hard in the office, you say!?”
This is what - on the mint to sleep??
sjmorozov's answer to "About women sneaking along the street"
Reply to the post "I didn't want to die young"
Like a haircut?
Like a haircut?
Reply to the post "About compliments to men"
Irezer's answer to "Unbanal advice for new parents"
Irezer's answer to "Unbanal advice for new parents"
And I'll be strong with you.
This girl helps people in need clean their house so they can 'break the cycle'
Unlic's Response in "It's an Eternal Misunderstanding Between Women and Men"
Just to share: my grandmother is 90 years old
Men Knit Too
The Depths of Katina's Soul
Tiles in the bathroom! Did!
Goodbye Dad
I'm so old that I found...
How I took my mother for a walk
It's all gone...
It's all gone...
There is no justice
Response to the post "About Holy Water"
Just a flash mob from firefighters from all over the country
Continuing the squash theme
Didn't give love
Response to the post "Coming Soon"
About whisperers
Help good people
Camp for adults!!!
Oh yes Armenian business, oh yes service
I don't understand either
In one of these cats you will definitely recognize your
Music of generations
pride post
NeBudite's Response in "Z - Care"
Embroidery or how grandmother corrected her eyesight
Embroidery or how grandmother corrected her eyesight