Ushenin comments

30-June-2015 Tuesday
That's why I'm for Putin

21-June-2015 Sunday
Levitan June 22, 1941 Soviet radio message about the German attack on the USSR

18-June-2015 Thursday
Zaldostanov, a biker surgeon, dances a lezginka in Chechnya

26-May-2015 Tuesday
Night Wolves or Night Dogs?

03-May-2015 Sunday
Selfless patriotism of motorcyclists-bikers for only 7 million rubles - Zaldastanov rules

30-April-2015 Thursday
So he's still ... or what?

30-April-2015 Thursday
Dollar and Euro collapsed against the ruble

29-April-2015 Wednesday
About the PR trip of bikers to Berlin

28-April-2015 Tuesday
Shoot! Everything you say is right

30-January-2015 Friday
Political repressions in the USSR - real numbers

14-January-2015 Wednesday
Religious prejudice must be fought with extreme caution
