Username184 comments, page 32

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04-December-2024 Wednesday
Free country

27-November-2024 Wednesday
Does anyone remember this wonderful person?

06-November-2024 Wednesday
Results of the US presidential elections

26-October-2024 Saturday
Neural network brought childhood fears back to life)))

24-October-2024 Thursday
Morning in the USSR

22-October-2024 Tuesday
True love

16-October-2024 Wednesday
And, indeed, who would have thought

09-October-2024 Wednesday
When Warhammer Raised His Son Badly 40,000 memes

09-October-2024 Wednesday
And no other way

05-October-2024 Saturday
We are mammoths (some of us)

03-October-2024 Thursday
Reply to the post "Why not?"

[34] [33] [32] [31] [1]
