Uprugiyzad73 comments

16-May-2020 Saturday
Emergency doctors in Irkutsk complained about non-payment of additional payments for work with COVID-19

16-March-2020 Monday
Division of property, or greedy son

24-January-2020 Friday
Crowbar against the poop tower

09-October-2019 Wednesday
In Russia, they proposed to reward drivers for reporting violators of traffic rules

28-September-2019 Saturday
Personal life of single mothers and fathers. Answers on questions

21-September-2019 Saturday
Pork ham.

02-September-2019 Monday
From the age of 14 you say to work?

07-April-2019 Sunday
morning incident

18-October-2018 Thursday
World Cup silver medalist suspended from training for Instagram post

17-July-2018 Tuesday
The rent of one old German house
