UkaMizantrop comments

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10-June-2021 Thursday
Philosophical: Boomerang can be different ...

10-June-2021 Thursday
Fighting girlfriend

09-June-2021 Wednesday

09-June-2021 Wednesday
I want to smoke

08-June-2021 Tuesday
Dad is a genius!

08-June-2021 Tuesday
50 minutes later, I'm 50 years old

07-June-2021 Monday
Monday evening. Condition: "Squirrel in the house"

05-June-2021 Saturday
Daily routine according to modern society in...

05-June-2021 Saturday
Revenge succeeded

17-May-2021 Monday
Houska castle - gate to hell

17-May-2021 Monday
Monday....Mood:..selling home-made poisons from a stall in the town square...

10-May-2021 Monday
Walking through garbage dumps or how I was treated by a psychologist

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