UbiyzaPelmeney comments, page 13

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13-June-2024 Thursday
Selecting the color of the BMW, I didn’t get it right the first time, as the color is new to me. But I quickly fixed it

13-June-2024 Thursday
Severe Chelyabinsk men

12-June-2024 Wednesday
Sanctions on the dollar, or a new reality

21-April-2024 Sunday
Completely disabled

18-April-2024 Thursday
Kidnapped children from Ukraine?

12-April-2024 Friday
Reminder of the reasons for the SVO: Richard Black: “We don’t care how many Ukrainians die”

23-March-2024 Saturday
Photography with sound

22-March-2024 Friday
French Count Adrien Bodon was killed in the Northern Military District zone

08-February-2024 Thursday
But you don’t have to breathe into a tube

23-October-2023 Monday
Difficulties in translation

20-October-2023 Friday
Progress on the face..., on the face..., well...

12-October-2023 Thursday
Hamas leader Khalid Mashaal calls for jihad and pogroms of all Muslims in the world

12-October-2023 Thursday
Hamas leader calls for global jihad and attacks worldwide against Jews and Westerners

06-October-2023 Friday
Zelensky called on Europe for independence

28-September-2023 Thursday
Reply to the post “Is RestorerKA bad?”

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