worst comments
Response to the post "Well, what can I say?"
Response to the post "Couldn't Help My Friends"
Football for everyone and everywhere
Flash mob from grandmothers
Response to the post "Well, what can I say?"
How did I get a preferential pension
How did I get a preferential pension
"Papers" and "sniffers" in the markets.
Where did @Tornillo disappear to? [Reply available]
I'm no expert, but this seems like a scam
Who ate all the garlic?
Hi-res from the USSR "Electronics TA1 003 stereo"
Astana cyclists! Rejoice!
The first million Huawei smartphones with the HongMeng operating system have already been shipped
It would seem, and here Harry Potter?
The last Chinese warning
Flash mob from grandmothers
It's awkward
It would seem, and here Harry Potter?
Molluscum contagiosum - homeopathy rests...
Deja vu
How I was accused of being a "snitch" in the team
Someone hit #5
How did I get a preferential pension
Response to the post "The Language of Poverty"
Reply to the post "Children's camp"
How I passed a psychiatrist to renew my driver's license
How did I get a preferential pension
Here's how to do it!
Modern cars.
My works
Competition for brains
Visit to dentistry
Visit to dentistry
Admission to the university and polyclinic workers
How did I get a preferential pension
End of July...
About politics.
What to do with a crazy neighbor?
How I passed a psychiatrist to renew my driver's license
How I passed a psychiatrist to renew my driver's license
Flash mob from grandmothers
BMW Healthy Man
Chinese space station Tiangong-1 burned down over the Pacific Ocean
How did I get a preferential pension
How I bought a monitor in dns technopoint
How did I get a preferential pension
How did I get a preferential pension
Another additional warranty and customization to your case ..
About impudence in polyclinics
If you really want to drink, and in your city there is a World Cup
How do weapons explode?
Explosives Technician
Horses and kids! Nicely? No. Death and/or injury.
village fashion model
Everyone should know their place.
Fight against fraud on avito.
Neighbor against trash
Factory defect of the phone from the phone ordered on Aliexpress.
How did I get a preferential pension
How did I get a preferential pension
"If the state gave the house, let it repair it"
How I bought a monitor in dns technopoint
It's easier to criticize
The video card went out after replacing the thermal paste
Hi-res from the USSR "Electronics TA1 003 stereo"
ATX PSU Cooling System
How dare you do that?
Answer 2634858 in "Because greedy faggots!!!"
How dare you do that?
When depositing valuables in a cell, it is not a fact that you will find them there
The tale of how Beeline employees rip off pensioners
The tale of how Beeline employees rip off pensioners
How I passed a psychiatrist to renew my driver's license
What to do with a crazy neighbor?
Equate assaulting a doctor on duty with assaulting a police officer
How I passed a psychiatrist to renew my driver's license
Assistance in selection
How dare you do that?
ATX PSU Cooling System
Response to the post "The Language of Poverty"
ATX PSU Cooling System
Chinese motherboards
About politics.
Computer master on call.
About Aliexpress, the power of Peekaboo, chargeback with recoil and my "kills"
The green bank is insolent
How I bought a monitor in dns technopoint
About young professionals.
Seniority three years of service per year of service in Afghanistan conscript soldiers
About people with a capital letter
Yes, I will bring you 10 workers!
How did I get a preferential pension
How did I get a preferential pension
How did I get a preferential pension
Unlocking the MTS 424d router (aka Huawei E5330)
Neighbor against trash
what kind of people
Astana cyclists! Rejoice!
How I wanted to take a laptop in installments
How did all this get!
Gearbest experience: purchase, warranty repair, money back
Good relationship.
How long...
A small victory over the system.
Neighbor pensioner
Neighbor pensioner
Samsung A520 connector
Czech Republic. These are the buildings near Prague.
Visit to dentistry
The first million Huawei smartphones with the HongMeng operating system have already been shipped
About medicine (topical)
In the waiting room
“Give me a credit” or “I don’t have time for this”
“Give me a credit” or “I don’t have time for this”
Amazing "M.Video", part 2 ... Now with complaints
Post office. What comes first - signature or delivery?
When to go to extremes
The utility company specifically heats a house in the city ...
Ministry of Labor: the possibility of dismissal due to loss of confidence will make workers more responsible.
A small victory over the system.
Are my police protecting me?
“This is a mockery!”: Blockade girl demanded to “drive in the neck” Senator Lakhova and her ilk
Good relationship.
I'm sorry?
I'm sorry?
Admission to the university and polyclinic workers
Admission to the university and polyclinic workers
Admission to the university and polyclinic workers
Admission to the university and polyclinic workers
In the suburbs, bus drivers carry passengers only for cash
Once again about grandmothers
Unsuccessful purchase in Svyaznoy
Nike - just take it easy
How the gays tried to trick me
A Minsker bought Xiaomi with an interesting video message.
District hospital
Gifts for caregivers
Astana cyclists! Rejoice!
About skateparks and impudent parents
Unlocking the MTS 424d router (aka Huawei E5330)
If you really want to drink, and in your city there is a World Cup
What should people do.
What should people do.
A little about M.video.
Sweden is out of trash
When everything is simple...
On the wave of posts about debts or "ask for 1000 more?"
Here is that herring!
Ski lift breaks down at Gudauri ski resort in Georgia
Kamchatka deputy, who rode a horse to the parliamentary session, was handed a summons to the police
How did I get a preferential pension
"If the state gave the house, let it repair it"
"If the state gave the house, let it repair it"
How did I get a preferential pension
How did I get a preferential pension
How did I get a preferential pension
Seniority three years of service per year of service in Afghanistan conscript soldiers
I ask for help respected league of lawyers
How did I get a preferential pension
How did I get a preferential pension
How I bought a monitor in dns technopoint
Seniority three years of service per year of service in Afghanistan conscript soldiers
Seniority three years of service per year of service in Afghanistan conscript soldiers
How I bought a monitor in dns technopoint
It's easier to criticize
A moment of consumer extremism.
A moment of consumer extremism.
A moment of consumer extremism.
65 kg of money: the owner of a store in Magnitogorsk returned 67 thousand rubles to the buyer in change
Inheritance interest
Hooked ... "Grandma"
Repair (no) warranty Samsung S8 +
Sennheiser vs Beats.
ATX PSU Cooling System
ATX PSU Cooling System
ATX PSU Cooling System
ATX PSU Cooling System
In Ukraine, a US-made warehouse with HIMARS missiles was destroyed by a Russian Aerospace Forces strike
Assistance in selection
Bank case
Reply to the post "Managing processes"
MTS are you serious?
Pleased with the creativity
About activating Windows
Response to the post "The Last Word of the Defendant"
Yelled like Orlusha
How I passed a psychiatrist to renew my driver's license
How I passed a psychiatrist to renew my driver's license
Another divorce from a megaphone
I'm a mother...
A question for Roskomnadzor about the closure of online cinemas and the revocation of rental licenses
Flash mob from grandmothers
About Zhirinovsky
Information war, stuffing, moderators that only make a kind of work