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28-January-2017 Saturday
Lithuania supplied Ukraine with 146 lethal weapons designed and manufactured by the former USSR.

27-January-2017 Friday
The translation is more popular than the original.

27-January-2017 Friday
Gidni i nezalezhni

27-January-2017 Friday
Ukraine does not yet know where to find $18 billion to repay foreign loans in 2019

27-January-2017 Friday
D. Trump's favorite quote

27-January-2017 Friday
Slavaukraintsy anneal or flash mob - it's voluntary.

27-January-2017 Friday
In Ukraine, they can "decommunize" on March 8 and May 9.

26-January-2017 Thursday
About vandalism and the desire to laugh on the wave of ukrosracha

26-January-2017 Thursday
The secret of Navalny's millions has finally been revealed

24-January-2017 Tuesday
A communist deputy who proposed to drive an aspen stake into Yeltsin's grave cannot be evicted from his office apartment in Moscow

24-January-2017 Tuesday
Joy reactor is a bunch of ukrofascists! The whole truth about joyreakto

17-January-2017 Tuesday
PROPAGANDA DELFI.lt - How Lithuania should be "friends" with Russia

04-January-2017 Wednesday
In addition to the news about the theft of a passport by a crow on the Russian-Estonian border

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