17-September-2023 Sunday
Please help me find the book
17-September-2023 Sunday
Asshole for refusing to change clothes, taking off his police department uniform just to pick up his sister after school?
17-September-2023 Sunday
Am I an asshole for “deceiving” my partner about children and laughing about it?
15-September-2023 Friday
Anna's archive
14-September-2023 Thursday
12-September-2023 Tuesday
Am I right that I don’t want to leave the apartment for the sake of my relatives’ wishes?
07-September-2023 Thursday
Help me find books about necromancers in the role of GG
04-September-2023 Monday
Am I fucking refusing to let my brother in because of things?
04-September-2023 Monday
Why do women become feminists?
03-September-2023 Sunday
Where can you find these...
01-September-2023 Friday
Looking for two fantastic literary works
01-September-2023 Friday
Would I be an asshole if I made the same rules about food that my mother had as a child
01-September-2023 Friday
Am I fucking for revealing to my father's wife the real reason he and I were never close?
01-September-2023 Friday
Am I the f*ck that I didn't invite my "step sister" to my daughter's birthday party?
01-September-2023 Friday
Is it crazy that you didn't tell the truth about my fault in the fire?
25-August-2023 Friday
Looking for a detective story about a senator's daughters and a young elevator operator, a professor and his mother
24-August-2023 Thursday
Am I fucking not using my husband's "hilarious" gift?
21-August-2023 Monday
Prophetic fantasy books about our own world many years later: from classics to novelties
16-August-2023 Wednesday
Help finding a thriller
09-August-2023 Wednesday
Euthanasia as a remedy for suicidal tendencies