04-December-2024 Wednesday
I was passing by
16-November-2024 Saturday
Childhood hallucinations
07-November-2024 Thursday
Original Hilti impact wrench with honest 300 Nm
04-November-2024 Monday
The.Batman's answer to "Headlights? No, I haven't heard of them."
02-November-2024 Saturday
90 tons of butter arrived in Russia from the UAE. For the first time in history
27-October-2024 Sunday
Kroshik died
25-October-2024 Friday
This is how dolma is made - chopped lamb wrapped in leaves
13-October-2024 Sunday
Incredibly cool!
16-September-2024 Monday
Reply to the post "Are blue-collar jobs dying out?"
30-August-2024 Friday
Reply to the post "Concentration of Morons"
23-August-2024 Friday
Smoker's passport
22-August-2024 Thursday
An old trick, but it works flawlessly
20-August-2024 Tuesday
Was - Has become
15-August-2024 Thursday
Reply to the post “Schumachers cutting through puddles”
09-July-2024 Tuesday
Continuation of the post “People! Teach life"
06-July-2024 Saturday
No one will remember the winners of the race, but everyone will remember fourth place
01-July-2024 Monday
Urine flood
01-July-2024 Monday
Help, I'm slowly falling asleep
14-June-2024 Friday
Counterspell DnD5e