TwinKTurbo comments

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02-December-2013 Monday
They give out this and similar photos as what happened yesterday on the Maidan.

29-November-2013 Friday
A normal door

27-November-2013 Wednesday
school uniform

26-November-2013 Tuesday
Rush to base!

19-November-2013 Tuesday
a kitten with three paws came to work today

15-November-2013 Friday
In GTA V, everything is thought out.

12-November-2013 Tuesday
Who is stronger is right.

11-November-2013 Monday
Everyone is crying

30-October-2013 Wednesday

28-October-2013 Monday
Guys count the power

27-October-2013 Sunday
Top 10 Weirdest Weapons

23-October-2013 Wednesday
All roasted chestnuts

23-October-2013 Wednesday
missing puppy

17-October-2013 Thursday
Heartless Bow

17-October-2013 Thursday
Sugar levels skyrocket just looking at this photo))

17-October-2013 Thursday
Almost like a boss

17-August-2013 Saturday
Game of Thrones: Speculation after reading the fifth book. Shock portions of spoilers inside.

14-July-2013 Sunday
Still, this is the coolest dragon.

27-June-2012 Wednesday
In short, guys, what a topic.

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