TurtleD comments

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17-October-2013 Thursday
What if Tony Stark really existed?

16-October-2013 Wednesday
Interesting facts about dogs.

16-October-2013 Wednesday
Honey seller at the Ukrainian border

15-October-2013 Tuesday
Happy holiday, Muslims.

12-October-2013 Saturday
Do you remember?

12-October-2013 Saturday
NTV obtained permission to build its television center near Ostankino

10-October-2013 Thursday

10-October-2013 Thursday
Weekend is coming soon))

09-October-2013 Wednesday
No need to pull the Rottweiler by the balls!

05-October-2013 Saturday
Well, something like this.

04-October-2013 Friday
Pikachu, congratulations!

28-September-2013 Saturday
RUSSIA DID NOT JOIN THE UN DECLARATION on ending discrimination against sexual minorities

28-September-2013 Saturday
I'm back with another long post.

28-September-2013 Saturday
A little more Lifehack.

30-July-2013 Tuesday
Sugar (long post)

14-July-2013 Sunday
Would you like to go to the 17th century?)

10-April-2013 Wednesday
messed up)

13-February-2013 Wednesday
inspired by pickups :)

13-March-2012 Tuesday
Can you?)

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