Tulenj comments, page 63

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07-October-2022 Friday
Reply to the post “Girls on Twitter asked about the worst thing a man did”

06-October-2022 Thursday
Yes, how is it?...

06-October-2022 Thursday
Gift with responsibility

05-October-2022 Wednesday
Reply to the post “Call me back! Maybe he has…”

04-October-2022 Tuesday
Reply to the post "Supersonic convict"

04-October-2022 Tuesday
It probably reminds everyone of something.

01-October-2022 Saturday
What is happening on planet Earth and in Russia?

30-September-2022 Friday
How alternative historians cast granite

30-September-2022 Friday
Patriarch Kirill infected with coronavirus

19-September-2022 Monday
Voronezh Alenka has a worthy friend

18-September-2022 Sunday
Reply to the post "I should have learned Chinese"

18-September-2022 Sunday
Reply to "Sunday Morning"

18-September-2022 Sunday
A man in Naples tried to steal a bag from a woman, but she turned out to be an Italian special forces sergeant

13-September-2022 Tuesday
A man concreted his rectum for the purpose of sexual stimulation

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