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20-September-2022 Tuesday
Created a little with AI in Miyazaki style

15-September-2022 Thursday
A dank fog and what awaits behind its veil...

10-September-2022 Saturday
Oh, the neural network imp, sometimes it does great, but the third leg is superfluous))))

09-September-2022 Friday
A little more and the artists are all ...

18-March-2021 Thursday
Advertising in the news feed up to 30 years and after...

13-March-2020 Friday
Post #7287807

02-March-2020 Monday
Post #7264370

29-February-2020 Saturday
Post #7261456

29-February-2020 Saturday
Post #7261382

25-February-2020 Tuesday
Post #7252775

21-November-2019 Thursday
My great-great-grandfather’s discovery, which has been tormenting me for a long time. What is this? (maybe someone can help me solve the mystery)

21-November-2019 Thursday
A short story about how my friends took a child from the family. Houses.

21-November-2019 Thursday
Continuation of the story about the adventures of the Wooden Man.

20-November-2019 Wednesday
You drive one around town and bam...

19-November-2019 Tuesday
It was evening, there was nothing to do... Somehow, this was born...

08-November-2019 Friday
The reverse side of the matrix.

29-October-2019 Tuesday
When you liked the comment on the last post and this was born, in five minutes...

29-October-2019 Tuesday
Halloween and me...

25-October-2019 Friday

25-October-2019 Friday
When you really grew up.

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