Tsynguev comments, page 2

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07-November-2012 Wednesday

06-November-2012 Tuesday
cookie :)

05-November-2012 Monday
He is clearly up to something.

28-October-2012 Sunday
I had a successful hunt the other day, I easily found the lair of wolves. I immediately shot the she-wolf with a shot, Gnawed my dog, her two puppies. Already boasted

28-October-2012 Sunday
You can watch endlessly..

28-October-2012 Sunday
Let's make a little mess

26-October-2012 Friday
And this happens

26-October-2012 Friday

23-October-2012 Tuesday
I thought :)

23-October-2012 Tuesday
Nervous are asked to leave

20-October-2012 Saturday
Scorpions, we will meet soon;)

20-October-2012 Saturday
super cosplay!

16-October-2012 Tuesday
End of October 1941

13-October-2012 Saturday
unusual side effect from work

12-October-2012 Friday
Is this how they “wrote” lectures / lessons, moving a pen over a piece of paper?

12-October-2012 Friday
Ivan Drago

09-October-2012 Tuesday
Hey teacher, leave these kids alone!

09-October-2012 Tuesday

06-October-2012 Saturday

04-October-2012 Thursday
dad <3

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