TrueDis comments, page 9

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04-January-2016 Monday
How to learn to manage dreams (manual)

25-December-2015 Friday
Headline masters, naturally from Chelyabinsk.

18-November-2015 Wednesday
Monument Kopeyka VAZ 2101

01-October-2015 Thursday
Such a typical Minsk

27-September-2015 Sunday
"Found a few friends in a kilometer-long tunnel under my house."

19-August-2015 Wednesday

13-August-2015 Thursday

13-August-2015 Thursday
Painting Repin - Sailed

22-July-2015 Wednesday
Moments like these are why I love BattleBots

15-July-2015 Wednesday
Little known RPGs

26-June-2015 Friday
DiCaprio broke down and changed his profile picture

09-June-2015 Tuesday
"Financial freedom". According to the bank.

06-June-2015 Saturday
"Computer crashed"

26-May-2015 Tuesday
Indian proverb

09-May-2015 Saturday
parenting tricks

09-May-2015 Saturday
oh god, who is this?!

28-April-2015 Tuesday
Gender equality

19-April-2015 Sunday
The Wild Tonberry Family

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